Adding Manual Events

If a driver has had to use a suplimentary record sheet for the day, you can upload the events to the portal throught he manual events funciton.

Click Add Manaul Events int he top right.

Select the driver, Event Date Range, Fatigue Plan, Time Zone, and the Vehicle the driver was using.

Then Click Next and you will be presented with the screen below.

Drag and drop the times by selecting the 15min period the driver created the event within. If the driver has entered 10:10, select the 10:00 block and edit to exact time later.

Once entered, it will look like the below image.

Once you have the basic outline of times completed to can edit the below. Note: if you edit and then modify the time section at the top, edits may be lost.

Select edit on the event and input the required information, then click save.

Continue this until completed.

Once completed, click Next.

You cna upload a pdf of the drivers suplimentary sheet if you want too.

Click Next.

On the final step, you will need to confirm all details are correct.

Once you click submit, the events cannot be edited.