Geotab Implementation Guide

Logmaster Implementation Guide

The Logmaster web portal has been designed to show you the state of your fleet. Data provided by our Add-in can be used to schedule your work and ensure your drivers are not breaching NHVAS rules.


This Implementation Guide contains the information to deploy, access, and use Logmaster Add-in within the Geotab’s ecosystem. It will step you through these workflows:

  1. Planning and Preparation
  2. Setup and Deployment

Solution Overview 

After successfully installing our Add-in, you will gain access to features such as driver and vehicle management, report creation and administrative functionalities.


Planning and Preparation

Assumptions and Constraints

  1. We are assuming that a business has already contacted a logmaster partner and has signed up for an account through the partner.

Requirements and Prerequisites 


  1. Apple Devices iOS version 12.5 or higher.
  2. Android Devices version 7.0 or higher.


  1. Configuration .json file which is provided at the end of this document.
  2. Logmaster business account in the logmaster web portal.


Helpful Documentation

Refer to these documents for helpful user information and points of contact:

  1. Geotab Product Guide
  2. Geotab Drive App Manual

For more information regarding our product, please refer to our website:


Setup and Deployment

These are the workflows required to implement the solution.

  1. Setup the Service Account
  2. Install the Add-In


Setup the Service Account

Follow the steps below to set up the new service account.

  1. Log in to MyGeotab and navigate to (1) Administration > (2) Users, and click the (3) Add button.

  1. On the New User page, complete the following:
    1. User (Email) — use the following convention to enter the new user email: 

 For example: logmaster-service@logmaster

    1. Password — create a strong password and share it with Logmaster by calling: (02) 7228 6269.
    2. Force password change on next login —    toggle to No.
    3. Security clearance — View Only
    4. Data access — select Everything.
    5. Click Save.


Install the Solution Add-In

Follow the steps below to install the Add-In. This workflow requires a .json file to structure the data and complete the installation. Follow the steps below to install the Add-In.

  1. Log in to MyGeotab and navigate to (1) Administration > (2) System > (3) System Settings, and select the (4) Add-Ins tab. Click the (5) New Add-In button.

  1. Paste the .json code below into the Add-In Configuration window, replacing the sample code that is already there. Click OK.

  1. In the System Settings page, toggle Allow unsigned Add-Ins to On and click Save at the top of the page. The Add-In is now installed!


.Json File for New Service Account

Paste the .json file below to structure your service account data in step 2 of Install the Solution Add-in.


                "name": "Logmaster EWD2",

                "supportEmail": "",

                "version": "0.0.1",

                "items": [


                                                "url": "",

                                                "path": "ActivityLink",

                                                "menuName": {

                                                                "en": "Logmaster AU"


                                                "svgIcon": "",

                                                "menuId": "LogmasterRootMenu"



                "key": "logmasterLogmaster",

                "isSigned": false



Open the Add-In
 Upon a successful Add-In installation, a new side menu should appear named “Logmaster AU”.
  The Add-In menu will have the following Top menus

  1. Dashboard:
     An overview of your business operations within the logmaster platform, such as active drivers, registered vehicles and notifications.
  2. Drivers:
     A list of drivers within your business, in which they are segregated into different categories such as, Linked, Delinked, Contractor, etc.
  3. Manual Events:
    A list of manually added events on behalf of your drivers under the business.
    Adding a manual event:
  4. Vehicles:
     A list of vehicles registered within your business, in which they are segregated into different categories such as, Active, Defected, Disabled etc.
    Adding a vehicle:
  5. Reports:
    In this section, different types of reports can be generated for the business, these reports are Compliances, Breaches, Pre-start Checks, Fitness Declarations etc.
    A compliance report can be generated after selected a driver and a specific time period.
    Breaches that took place between a specified time period as well as the selected drivers will be shown here.
    Pre start Checks:
    A set of vehicle checks are performed by the driver to ensure a safe journey. The form is filled up by and driver and submitted, which then appears in this section.
    Fitness Declarations:
    Before each journey, drivers are required to fill up a fitness declaration form to ensure the driver is fit enough to drive. These forms will be shown in this section.
  6. Admin:
     All administrative related functionality can be found in this section, users, roles and responsibilities list can be configured and viewed here.
    User List:
    Specifies the list of users that have access to the business accounts. 
      Role List:
    Each user can be assigned a role, these roles are custom made by the business, and further configurations can be made to ensure each user has the correct access level.
    Depot Configuration:
    A section in which a business is able to set up a depot/site to manage.
    Form Setup:
    Pre start check and fitness declaration forms can be customized and set up here, otherwise the default forms will be in use.