To bulk upload drivers, click Import EWD Driver button in the top right of the linked drivers tab of drivers list.
You will be presented with the below popup.
Download the CSV template to bulk upload the drivers.
It will look like the below.
Add the details as per the form filling process.
- Email Address
- without capitals
- Name
- First and Last name
- Date of birth
- dd/mm/yyyy
- Licence Number
- CSV format will retain the 0 at the start of some nubmers, if it has been converted to excel, change the field to a text field.
- Licence Expiry
- dd/mm/yyyy
- Licence issue state
- SA
- NT
- WA
- Base Location
- Address the driver will be driving from
- Record Keeper Location
- The place the NHVR will raid if the drivers mess up bad enough
- Base time Zone
- Licence state with time zone
- example VIC +11:00
- Region
- BFM Number
- Certificate for the business, not the driver TLIF, not required
Once filled, Click the Upload section on the image shown above and select the file to upload (drag and drop doesn't work on all browsers)
If you make any mistakes you will see the following
Click the edit field and edit any field that require to be updated.
Once all information is correct, select the drivers from the list you wish to add, or select the button at the top to select all.
Click Next and then click import.
Emails will be sent to all drivers.
Note: stay on this screen until it finishes processing the drivers after the import.