The drivers list top menu allows you to view the drivers in different statuses within your account. Linked will show a list of all real EWD users that are activitly linked this includes both Business linked and contractors Contractor will s...
Created On: 10/10/2023
in Portal Record Keeper Portal
1. This is the dashboard as shown above 2. Dropdown for the drivers functions where you can find the drivers list and the manaual events functions. 3. Dropdown for the vehicle funcitons where you can find the vehicle list 4. Dropdown for...
Created On: 10/10/2023
in Portal Driver Portal
Note: your username and password are the same for the portal as they are for the app. If you have forgotten your passsword, go to the login page at https://logmaster.au and click the forgot password button below the login button. Enter your e...
Created On: 10/10/2023
in Portal Record Keeper Portal
If you have forgotten your passsword, go to the login page at https://logmaster.au and click the forgot password button below the login button. Enter your email in the email field and click submit. You will receive an email, example below....
Created On: 10/10/2023
in Portal Record Keeper Portal
Navigate to https://logmaster.au and you will be presented with the page below. Enter your email that you recieved your welcome email on will be your usersname. Entery your password and click login. ...
Created On: 09/10/2023
in Driver App
To login to the Logmaster Mobile Application, enter your email address that you recieved your welcome email too and the password that you entered after following the link. Make sure you don't have any capitals or spaces, as some devices add these i...