Last Updated: 09/10/2023
in Driver App
To login to the Logmaster Mobile Application, enter your email address that you recieved your welcome email too and the password that you entered after following the link. Make sure you don't have any capitals or spaces, as some devices add these i...
Navigate to Reports -> Compliance in the sidde menu and select NHVR at the top if it isn't already. Select the driver from the list that you wish to view. You can either click through the pages for type into the select a driver box. Then Select...
This video shows how to create work and rest events. ...
To add/link an individual driver, click the Add/Link Driver Button First Step is to check if the driver is already in the system, this is done by doing an email lookup. If the driver exists, click the select button instead of the add driver b...
Logmaster Implementation Guide The Logmaster web portal has been designed to show you the state of your fleet. Data provided by our Add-in can be used to schedule your work and ensure your drivers are not breaching NHVAS rules. Introductio...
This video shows how toLogin and Signup. ...
This video shows how to manage businesses through the application. ...
Last Updated: 29/11/2023
in Driver App
To create a manual business within the mobile app, click the top menu and select Business. When in the Business page, select the Add Business button at the bottom of the page. Fill out the New Business form. This has the same details on the ...
This video showssome tips and tricks within the ap and portal for the driver. ...
Last Updated: 10/10/2023
in Portal Record Keeper Portal
Navigate to https://logmaster.au and you will be presented with the page below. Enter your email that you recieved your welcome email on will be your usersname. Entery your password and click login. ...