Popular Articles

  1. Adding Manual Events

    If a driver has had to use a suplimentary record sheet for the day, you can upload the events to the portal throught he manual events funciton. Click Add Manaul Events int he top right. Select the driver, Event Date Range, Fatigue Plan, Time Zo...
  2. Mix - Connected Fleet Setup

    Create/Register an account with Mix Telematics -  https://au.mixtelematics.com Once an account is created, you should have a username, and a password. Request a ClientId and a Client Secret to allow integration with Logmaster Navigat...
  3. Drivers List Menu Items

    The drivers list top menu allows you to view the drivers in different statuses within your account. Linked will show a list of all real EWD users that are activitly linked this includes both Business linked and contractors Contractor will s...
  4. Breach Reporting

    To access breach reporting, click Reports -> Breaches. Select the drivers you wish to view, you can select multiple or all. Then select the date range you wish to view. the days that breaches are detected are shown in red. The details of...
  5. Driver Portal - Forgot Password

    Note: your username and password are the same for the portal as they are for the app. If you have forgotten your passsword, go to the login page at https://logmaster.au and click the forgot password button below the login button. Enter your e...
  6. Add Vehicles

    To add an vehicle, click the Add Vehicle button in the top right of the Vehicle List page. You will be presented with a form to fill as shown below. You will have to fill out the mandatory fields that aren't marked as (Optional) Once you have ...
  7. Business - Standard Portal Navigation

    1. This is the dashboard as shown above 2. Dropdown for the drivers functions where you can find the drivers list and the manaual events functions. 3. Dropdown for the vehicle funcitons where you can find the vehicle list 4. Dropdown for...
  8. Schedule Reports

    This video shows how to create a scheduled report. ...
  9. Edit Driver Business Profile

    To edit a drivers linked business profile, select actions and click edit Edit any of the fields you require to edit for the driver and click submit. Once you click submit the driver app will resync for the driver on next login or next time ...
  10. Add Driver as a Record Keeper

    To add a driver as a record keeper with the same email address, navigate to the driver list and click actions and select add new profile. This will open the create Business profile form for the driver. Fill out the fields and select the role re...