Logmaster Implementation Guide The Logmaster web portal has been designed to show you the state of your fleet. Data provided by our Add-in can be used to schedule your work and ensure your drivers are not breaching NHVAS rules. Introductio...
Last Updated: 29/11/2023
in Driver App
To create a manual business within the mobile app, click the top menu and select Business. When in the Business page, select the Add Business button at the bottom of the page. Fill out the New Business form. This has the same details on the ...
To access breach reporting, click Reports -> Breaches. Select the drivers you wish to view, you can select multiple or all. Then select the date range you wish to view. the days that breaches are detected are shown in red. The details of...
Navigate to Reports -> Compliance in the sidde menu and select NHVR at the top if it isn't already. Select the driver from the list that you wish to view. You can either click through the pages for type into the select a driver box. Then Select...
To add an vehicle, click the Add Vehicle button in the top right of the Vehicle List page. You will be presented with a form to fill as shown below. You will have to fill out the mandatory fields that aren't marked as (Optional) Once you have ...
To add a driver as a record keeper with the same email address, navigate to the driver list and click actions and select add new profile. This will open the create Business profile form for the driver. Fill out the fields and select the role re...
If a driver has had to use a suplimentary record sheet for the day, you can upload the events to the portal throught he manual events funciton. Click Add Manaul Events int he top right. Select the driver, Event Date Range, Fatigue Plan, Time Zo...
If you have a pending driver and you require to manage the account, click actions. You can resend invite emails by clicking Resend Invite. If you wish to remove the driver from the business before they have joined, you can click Rescind Invite....
To bulk invite contractors that aren't on the system but your business is doing a driver self paid method of EWD, select the Invite Contractors button on the contactor tab in drivers list. Download the CSV Template. Add the drivers email, ba...
To bulk upload drivers, click Import EWD Driver button in the top right of the linked drivers tab of drivers list. You will be presented with the below popup. Download the CSV template to bulk upload the drivers. It will look like the below. ...